Panambur Beach where is it located ?

Panambur Beach is located 10Kms from the city of Mangalore karnataka . Known for its cleanliness and safety, this is the city’s most visited beach

As of now this beach is maintained by a private enterprise under the banner of Panambur Beach Tourism Development Project. Other attractions include jet ski rides, boating, dolphin viewing, food stalls and is also known for its highly skilled and trained lifeguards  who patrol the beach to ensure visitor safety.

This beach has been popular for its sunsets, the port area and a picnic spot for tourists and locals alike and offers views of the sunset. The beach attracts visitors due to its close proximity to the city  The ships anchored out in the sea waiting for berth in the harbour  can be seen from the Beach. Panambur beach is famous for International Kite Festival conducted during the last week of April.

Chethan Mardalu

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