Categories: ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ

Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary where is it located read this article?

Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary situated in the midst of Western Ghats in chikmangalur  and shivamoga  districts of Karnataka. It is about 275 kms from Bangalore and 38 kms from Chikmagalur town and covers an area of 492.46 Kms. The Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary boasts of a substantial tiger population It was declared as the 25th Project Tiger of India in 1998. Kallahathigiri is the higest peak in the sanctuary with a height of 1,875 Mts. Kemmannugundi and Bababuden Hills, are within the sanctuary.

Kallahathigiri is the higest peak in the sanctuary with a height of 1,875 Mts. Kemmannugundi and Bababuden Hills, are within the sanctuary. The lush green vegetation and lofty hill ranges are a beautiful and spectacular. The wildlife sanctuary is called so after the Bhadra River which flows through the lush forests. The lush green vegetation of the Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary consists of mostly moist and dry deciduous forests. More than 120 species of trees grow here, which include Teak, Rosewood, Mathi, Honne, Nandi, Tadasalu and Kindal. Bhadra is popularly known as Muthodi Wildlife Sanctuary, after the village on its fringes.

Mammala found here are Tiger, leopard, wild dog, jackal, elephant, gaur, sloth bear, sambar, and spotted dear, barking deer, mouse deer, wild boar, common langur, bonnet macaque, slender loris and the malabar giant squirrel

Reptiles found here are common vine snake, king cobra, common cobra, Russell’s viper, bamboo pit viper, rat snake, olive keelback , common wolf snake, common Indian monitor, draco or gliding lizards and marsh crocodiles.

The sanctuary is also home to exotic butterflies which include blue pansy butterfly, yamfly, baronet, crimson rose, southern birdwing, tailed jay, great orange tip, bamboo treebrown .

Chethan Mardalu

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